View or download our publications below for an inside look at UC Santa Barbara, our admission process, course transferability, our cultural communities, and more. Be sure to watch our Campus Video and visit our YouTube page for a variety of helpful playlists. 

UCSB Viewbook

Step inside our world. Browse our 36-page Viewbook for an inside look at all that UCSB offers. Learn about our location, three colleges, recreation, student life, and much more.

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This is the Viewbook cover.

Admission Publications

Our primary publications for applicants will help provide more information on the admission process. 

Admission Guide Brochure PDF

Admission Guide

This Admission Guide brochure gives an overview of admissions for undergraduate applicants. 

View or Download for Admission Guide




International Brochure

This International Brochure gives an overview of admissions for International applicants. Find additional information here.

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Transfer Major Prep Cover

Transfer Major Preparation Guide

This 4-page handout is a quick reference for recommended and required courses in your intended major.

View or Download for Transfer Major Preparation Guide


Transfer Major Prep Cover

Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)

This handout is an overview of the UCSB Transfer Admission Guarantee.

View or Download for Transfer Major Preparation Guide


Self-Guided Tour Map Cover

Self-Guided Tour Map

Use this self-guided tour map as a guide to campus. 

View or Download PDF for Self-Guided Tour

UCSB Housing Option Brochure

Take a look at the UCSB Housing brochure to learn more about your future home away from home.

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This is the Viewbook cover.

Communities Guide

This brochure outlines some of the many UCSB student communities on campus including Chicanx/Latinx, African diasporic, American Indian and Indigenous, Asian Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern/North African/South Asian, LGBTQ+, Military Community, and Guardian Scholars (former foster youth).

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Campus Video

View our 7-minute campus overview video to learn more about our campus, academics, student life, athletics, and more.

Visit our YouTube channel for a variety of playlistsincluding Major Spotlights, Student Life, the UC Application Tutorial (Spanish version of the UC Application Tutorial here), and a Faculty Lecture Seriesto learn even more about the UCSB experience.